Mimi and I planted our first vegetable garden. Of course, Terry did all of the major back breaking work. He built the raised beds, schlepped in the soil, arranged our containers where they should be planted.
Mimi and I took the neatly separated little containers and planted them very close together in the beds. We then tossed a bunch of seeds in for good measure.Peas, watermelon, sunflowers, all carefully(?) labeled with Popsicle sticks.
We were so exhausted from our day on Sipes farm that we took Zelda out in the car and visited our neighborhood drive in, A and W.
I have never been to this local joint(there was an A and W where I spent my teen years and a lot of my friends worked there)they had a mean Coney.
I had to explain to Mimi how the whole situation worked. You park the car, press a button, order the food, and then they bring it and hang it on the window. We eat it.... there.... press a button, you know the rest.
Mimi thought that this was the greatest invention ever. We sat in that A and W parking lot until every fry was consumed.
"Look mom, I can sit in the front seat and eat off of this window shelf thing."
So in this there is a lesson in nutrition, plant some vegetables and then reward yourself with coneys and fries.