In my foggy wake of the new year, I have realized that I completely missed the Christmas season.
I have been working a bit, I had some visitors, a few activities, and the season passed me by.Mimi and Annabel made our traditional gingerbread houses, only this year I bought them prebuilt.
Jie Jie, Bill and I took Mimi all too late to see Santa. She got to send a letter, but Santa had to many "appointments" to see her.
We vowed to take her to the crabby Santa at The Henry Ford and lost out to last minute Christmas shopping.
We celebrated Christmas eve with Aunt Cindy, Uncle Greg, Uncle Randy, Donny, Felicia, and the kids.
Christmas Day was lovely with great friend and family.
Mimi and I had the joy of seeing an amazing production of "Mary Poppins", at the Opera House with Annabel and Missy.
My mother was upset by the fact that I ripped every part of the holiday down ,just past the new year.
"We haven't celebrated the Epiphany", she said as I dragged the sorry tree outside.
I felt bad for mom, the wise men had barely gotten to Jesus, and I took all of the stuff down.
The Christian calendar didn't jibe with mine and I need to clean up for Chinese New Year.
Jie Jie has started bartending school(for her week off), all of my other kids are back at school or work.
I feel the mourning of my dad(January 20) and Terry's dad(one year, January 2).
End of song, beginning of story,