The Easter holiday and Mimi's birthday mash up together, flowers peak, robins take over the lawn.
We have certain traditions(more about that later).
There was a point in my blog where I thought I was just posting an obituary of famous people and it distressed me.
The best writers say, write what you know. Also, some guy on some network disproved the death in threes theory and I am here to once again dispel.
1.Margaret Thatcher: I lived in England during her "reign" wasn't happy with her, but she did set a path for women in power.I think most of the music of Paul Weller and the Clash ... and the Smiths were because of her , ok , she wasn't my favorite lady.
2.Roger Ebert: To be honest, my friend David and I used to call Siskel and Ebert"the fatty and the skinny " and being mad movie watchers listened to what they had to say, and then watched whatever we wanted to. I remember that Ebert once called "American Gigolo" an incredible film.... it just goes to show how subjective criticism is.
3.Annette Funicello: I don't even know where to start.
When my sisters and I got home from school, Our local network used to show old reruns of the Mickey Mouse club,we all knew the anthem, we watched the serials, especially "Spin and Marty" .
Rita Bell and the 4:30 movie would have "Beach Party " week. I own all of the "Beach Party" films. Annette would devise the plan to win over Frankie,with Buster Keaton, Linda Evans,Paul Lynde, Don Rickles and oh yes Little Stevie Wonder.
Crazy? maybe I really thought that I was part of the surf culture at one point( I actually bought surf wax), my friend Lisa and I tried to buy a used Woodie in Waterford.Thus the power of film.
I am also enclosing a true Spring song(1995)