Mimi and I attend Chinese as a second language at University of Michigan. We go to school every Sunday afternoon from 3:00 until 5:oo.
Our dear friends, the Zini's attend as well. Six year old Anna Zini and Mimi spent their first 2 years together in Maoming.
The normal protocol for class is serious learning for the first hour and playing and learning for the second.
Our teacher, Miss May, always has a fun activity planned for the kids.
This week was no exception. Miss May gave each child a bean bag with numbers 1- 20 written on them in English.
She made them into 2 teams and put one team on either side of the room.
She would then call out the numbers in Chinese and the person holding that number could throw the bean bag at an unsuspectiing member of the opposite team. If someone got hit, they were out.
As parents, we laughed in disbelief, that she was going to give a group of kids permission to hit each other with bags of sand. The kids loved it, and they learned their numbers.
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