Mimi has had this fabulous signature, 1920's louise brooks style bob.
She has been going to her stylist Jeph for this haircut forever.
Mimi has decided that she wants long hair. In the style of any 5 year old she would like this long hair immediately.
For Halloween, she wanted to be Hannah Montana(gasp), with a long blond wig.I made a compromise.
I told her that she could be Princess Jasmine and have a pretend ponytail.
I found a five dollar long black ponytail at the local beauty supply and she was thrilled.
She wanted to wear it all of the time. After long discussions about her beautiful hair and how she was lovely just the way she was blah blah blah, she came up with her own compromise. The nightgown.
She wears it as hair and she sways her long locks to and fro. I love this hair .
Just goes to show that this child's ingenuity knows no bounds...love it.