Evening readers,
Jiej, here. I've changed the layout of Ma's blog because the old one was giving me a headache. How does it look? I much prefer it.
Ma's been hassling to update with photos of my adorable new kitten, Iggy. He and Baby Django (the old, blue one) get along swimmingly.
Recently, I've been working on renovating my apartment in downtown Madison, Wisconsin. I live on the fourth floor of a ridiculously old apartment building that suits me and my two cats well (though it's often full of hair of all breeds and species). I'm saving up for a sheepskin rug, a see-through mod coffee table and a more convenient way to store my stacks and stacks of books. I've included an aerial view of my apartment, as well. Please pardon my mess, I am a college student after all. Speaking of which, I should be practicing translating middle English right now - but I have all night, hey!
Though I have not the funds, time or energy to dress myself these days (right now I'm dressed in my oh-so-fashionable paint-splattered over-sized flannel and cotton shorts) - I have recently stumbled upon some amazing websites that you all may enjoy:
www.renttherunway.com --- this one offers a service where you can rent runway dresses for special occasions! Or just a night on the town (if you have the means). For anywhere from $50-$200 they will send you (two sizes!) of a gown along with a package in which to send it back. You love it, you wear it and you send it back (they take care of the dry cleaning). Ingenious!
www.giltfuse.com --- signing up for this one gives you access to the best deals out there. Each day they offer a new sale of amazing shoes, bags, clothing and accessories and a MAJORLY reduced price. Completely legal, too. The only catch is: things go fast so you have to be ready as soon as the sale opens up, with credit card in hand!
Bill recently invested in the new MacBook Pro and all of the accouterments to go with it. Logic Studio (for music recording), an iPod Nano, iWork, One-to-One, etc. Though the final price nearly made him wet his pants, the boyish grin on his face since Friday proved it well worth the monetary set back. We've been working on exchanging music which has introduced me to all sorts of cool things that I hadn't been exposed to before (old Flaming Lips albums and gangSTAR).
Recently, though, I've been indulging in Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire -- an old-timey sound that makes me all cozy whether I'm cooking, cleaning or working. Please look into it, it's phenomenal.
I must be off, Geoffrey Chaucer is calling my name.
Be good,