I feel at times that there is a storm cloud hanging over my head.
I don't know if it is fate or karma, but it is gosh darn annoying.
We have planned several events in the past year.2009 Chinese New Year was canceled when dad passed away, This year I planned a brunch with a special trip to the Chinese Ballet "Shen Yun" with some of Mimi's "little sisters" , my father in law passed away.
This past weekend was to be our annual Chinese New Year party, travel group reunion.
Mimi was at Annabel's playing and was brought home because she wasn't feeling well.
She had a temp of 104 and she was so lethargic, I could barley keep her conscious enough to get some Motrin in her.
She slept for three days. Party, postponed, school valentine party, missed.
She and I put together her "Wizards of Waverly Place" valentines, and I cut up about 5 lbs of fruit for a project I volunteered to help with at school.
We then assembled Chinese New Year treat bags for Chinese school.
We were thrilled to have Mimi's teacher unexpectedly deliver a stack of valentines and treats for her classmates.
She also got a get well, valentine bear with homemade cupcakes from her loyal friend Annabel.
On the bright side, all of our travel group can attend on March 6. It will be after the official Chinese New Year, but I am sure it will be great. I must remain optimistic.
MiMi's hair is so long! Miss you both.