Yes.we went to the Renaissance Festival.
My baby sister Teresa, her partner Eric, Jazzy Jeff and friends ventured into territory past.
I have gone to the festival for ages and it has evolved into a sort of major mall of fun and frolic.
The kids all got painted, climbed rock walls and then watched puppet abuse.
We then proceeded to the fire swallower, who not only swallowed fire, but made a giant balloon disappear in his digestive tract.
I then offered advice to all of the kids( don't do that at home) before they ventured onto sand bottles,crowns, swords and a ride on a sea serpent,minus mimi.

Sunday, September 26, 2010
It's Different For Girls

Mimi and I attended a very girlie pajama/dance party this past Friday.The evening began with a dinner served in a room festooned in giant pink paper flowers and Daisy paper garland.The girls ate pizza and sipped pink fizzy drinks through twirly straws.
Next came the manicures and makeup sessions, followed by dancing under the whirling disco ball.
The girls changed into jammies and crashed on a giant sofa to have a first time screening of the latest Barbie movie.
This very smart mom had two parent pick up times. The girls could be picked up at 9:00 pm or 9 am the following morning.
Mimi opted for leaving at 8:30 pm. She promptly gathered her belongings, including a goody bag and a pink balloon, and made a polite yet quick exit.
Mimi is my little homebody.