Over the weekend we had our family Moon Festival gathering.
I roasted ducks, made Mandarin pancakes and fiery Dan Dan noodles.
Aunt Julie made some gorgeous dim sum.
Friends and family gathered and feasted.
Weeks ago I had purchased these sky lanterns online.
I had every intention of launching them during our celebration.
The lanterns arrived and Mr Safety, gave 2 big thumbs down on launching them in our yard. Mr Safety even consulted with our neighbor and dear friend on the matter and he also nixed the idea.
In my thrill seeking ,short sighted way, I protested. I simply asked them to read the details on the package stating that they could be used at weddings, business openings and parties.
How dangerous could they be?
Mr Safety pointed out, a mere shift in the wind could redirect one of these open flames and send them onto someone's roof. Killjoy.
Some of my less responsible com padres followed me out into the yard and proceeded to light these babies up.
The photos do not give justice to how cool they are.
The soared up into the sky and only descend when the flame goes out, and the packaging is completely biodegradable.
This was a dramatic end to our evening in more ways than one.
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