This morning Mimi woke up as happy as a lark, it was not her birthday anymore.
My sister Suzanne often says that Mimi is a forty year old lady trapped in a six year old body.
Yesterday was another Mimi episode that cements that theory.
Yesterday was Mimi's birthday, and for all of the sentiment and joy of celebrating the day of her birth, she was absolutely miserable.
I shall begin at the beginning with Mimi's statement months ago, that she didn't want a birthday party. I, of course, love planning and throwing parties. I approached her with ideas of an art party, or a mad scientist party... she shot me down.
Mimi claims that she doesn't like being the center of attention. So I moved on and honored her request.
Over the past weekend Daddy and I took her to get a new bike for her birthday, and then out for dinner.
I ran out and got a bunch of balloons(which will soon be in her balloon cemetery, a future post).
I made paper flowers and festooned the house with happiness and joy.
I picked her up for school and to say she was crabby was the understatement of the century.
She ran into the house, ran past the decor and the cake frosting project, ran up the stairs and proceeded to throw the days outfit down the stairs. I then heard a bundled piece of paper being hurled down. The outside of the note read simply"read this". I dared to open the note to read "I do not like my birthday" I heard her bedroom door slam.
I decided to take out my old parenting guns and completely ignore it. There was a silence, followed by the sound of much of the contents of her bedroom being moved into the hallway.
I continued to pretend to ignore it.
There was a silence and I went up to check on her. The door was barricaded shut with furniture.
I pried the door open and demanded that she clean up.
I ran downstairs to continue my plan of ignoring.
When she realized I was ignoring she descended the stairs like Norma Desmond , her yoi(blanky)
draped over her head, and small flat pillows covering the front and back of her.
I had to hide my laughter as she skulked through the kitchen. I tried to communicate but she only ran back upstairs and shut her door.
The whole evening was a bust. We were going out for a great spaghetti dinner, she refused. Grandma baked her a cake, she was comatose. I then couldn't find my stash of birthday candles so we ended up lighting a major tapered candle and singing the lamest rendition of Happy Birthday.
The high point of the evening was lighting the "Tangled" lanterns and letting them go.
The lesson I learned was no matter how much a child protests, throw them a damn birthday party. Mimi learned not to protest about having a birthday party.
It will be late but Miss Mary Sipes will have her(birth) day in the sun.
By the way, she also announced she wants to now be referred to as Mary. Anyone who is a fan of Seinfeld will remember when George Costanza wanted to be called "Tbone". I think that Mimi will have the same problem.
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