Ok, Anybody who knows me knows this is true.
I have wanted a home projector for ever. My lovely neighbors, the Andersons, have a home projector that we have enjoyed for several years.
Now my time has come. With the help of Suzanne, I found a slightly used home projector on Ebay.
To begin, I started looking at blogs and backyard theater websites. I then absorbed as much electronic nonsense that my nonsensical brain could take in. Then I plugged everything in on Ebay, gave Suzanne my password and user name and Kabam. As of 12:30 last night I( I mean Terry) am the proud owner of a home theater projector.
What happens next you may be asking?Where will I project these movies? perhaps on an inflatable screen, perhaps on the Anderson's wall? I haven't thought that part out yet.
I will project marathons, Beach Blanket Bingo marathons, Three Stooges marathons, Shirley Temple marathons,Star Wars marathons(Mary's request)
Tootsie marathons (although tootsie is just one movie).
The neighborhood will never be the same.
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