The group consisted of Bill, T Bone, Terry,myself,Mary and Bobby.
We stayed in a local hotel, ate like kings and queens(lots of cheese and beer), swam, shopped and moved her teeny possessions from her third floor brownstone apartment.
I posted most of the goings on of our trip as they happened on my tumbler.
The day that got lost in the shuffle of my emotional hysteria was her actual graduation day.
My nephew Bobby has done great work in the past documenting family occasions on his I phone.
He films special moments, uploads it to his laptop, edits it brilliantly and sets it to a song of his choosing and the montage pulls our guts out.
These films are so touching that even a complete stranger can be moved by what very well could be boring family movies.
So, on the day of graduation, knowing I would be hysterical, Bobby offered to witness the goings on of the day and make a film.
Unfortunately for Bob the camera of choice(his iphone) got crushed in a hockey bar in Chicago a few nights before.
So I hand him my little flip video and told him to go to it.
He began with us leaving the hotel, and he filmed us through the emotion filled day as we watched our precious JieJie receive her college degree.
Bob, at the end of the day handed back my flip camera and informed me that all of the files were uploaded on his camera and that he would put together a short film for us on the bus.
I got home from Wisconsin and uploaded the files onto my computer, not to be viewed for weeks.Life was happening, Jiej was job hunting and moving her big life back into a tiny space. I was dealing with the end of the school year responsibilities , Mary's party, and the passing of her first grade teacher.
I just started going through the graduation files over the past few days and discovered that all of the footage taken, was basically of feet.
About ten different clips of our feet, at the hotel in the morning, on the way to graduation, our tearful after graduation hugs(you can tell because our feet are closer together) and our lovely afternoon of swag shopping.
In Bobby's defense, Terry had the camera for a time and he got feet too.
Were they unknowingly holding it upside down?
I am hoping that Bobby will be able to cobble together our beautiful day with what seems to be footage taken by a foot fetishist.
This is a tiny clip that includes a bit of darling JieJie and the family walking to Kohl Center for commencement ceremonies. I believe there is a glimpse of us from the waist up.
Looking back at this clip I am remembering how freezing cold and windy it was.
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