We had the extreme privilege of watching a mother robin build a gorgeous nest, lay amazing Tiffany blue eggs,sit on the eggs through some of the most violent Spring weather, and birth these baby birds.
There were two that had survived the original three. They were scrawny, downy little things and in what seemed to be a blink they both got to be big fatties. They would sit in that nest all day, with their mouths wide open, while the mother tirelessly worked to fill their big fat bellies. The dad stood watch on the ground just a few feet away.
Apparently there wasn't enough room in that nest for both, so one got the boot.
The poor thing ended up on one of our windowsills with a dog and two very curious cats watching through the pane of glass.
The bird was a little disoriented and every time it sensed Baby Iggy behind the glass, it would open it's mouth as if Iggy would start shoveling the food into its chubby face(Yeah right).
The bird tried to fly off but struggled and fell to the ground. I panicked wondering if I should give assistance to Mr Chubbs but I let him be. He seemed more safe in the cover of the foliage beneath the tree.
I went out to run errands and when I returned I discovered that he had managed to get to a low branch on the neighboring bush and the tireless mama was simply taking the food over to him.
Meanwhile the other big fatty sat in the lap of luxury with the full expanse of the nest.
The next day they were gone. The whole family had moved on to a new life.
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